William thomas beckford wikipedia. William thomas beckford (1 october 1760 2 may 1844) was an english novelist, a profligate and consummately knowledgeable art collector and patron of works of. third voyage of james prepare dinner wikipedia. Ostensibly james cook dinner's 1/3 and final voyage became to go back omai, a young guy from raiatea to his native land, but the admiralty used this as a cover for their plan to. Browse via author m task gutenberg. Several of his books online, at task gutenberg. Key dates 1841 2014 thomas cook dinner. Key dates. 1808 thomas cook is born on 22 november in the village of melbourne in derbyshire. 1834 john mason cook is born on thirteen january in marketplace harborough, close to. Barry lawrence ruderman antique maps inc.. Provider in maps and atlases from the 16th to nineteenth centuries. Also offers reference books approximately maps, the history of cartography, and geography. William thomas beckford wikipedia. William thomas beckford (1 october...